LIA COPDESC and Lions Magenes Days
November 4-7 2019
Laboratoire Jacques-Louis Lions, 4 Place Jussieu, 75005 Paris
3rd floor, Corridor 15-16, Room 309
Sorbonne University, University Paris-Diderot, CNRS
In the frame of the French-German-Italian Laboratoire International Associé (LIA) COPDESC and the Lions Magenes collaboration we organize the LIA COPDESC and Lions Magenes Days four days of conference.
The program of the conference covers topics in Control and Optimization, Calculus of Variations, Nonlinear PDEs, Scientific Computing and Numerical Analysis. It includes plenary talks and invited talks.
The schedule includes free time for discussions between the speakers and the participants at lunch time.
Scientific Committee:
Fatiha Alabau-Boussouira, LJLL, France
Peter Benner, Max Planck Institute Magdeburg, Germany, LIA COPDESC Coordinator for Germany
Sylvia Bertoluzza, CNR-IMATI Pavia, Italy
Xavier Blanc, University Paris-Diderot, France
Muriel Boulakia, LJLL, France
Piermarco Cannarsa, University Tor Vergata Roma, Italy, LIA COPDESC Coordinator for Italy
Antoine Gloria, LJLL, France
Flaviana Iurlano, CNRS, LJLL, France
Yvon Maday, LJLL, France
Luca Rossi, CNRS, EHESS, France
Fatiha Alabau-Boussouira, LJLL Sorbonne University & University of Lorraine, LIA COPDESC Coordinator for France
Yvon Maday, LJLL Sorbonne University
Nathalie Bergame, credit manager LIA COPDESC